
During the past thirty years (1985 - 2016 E.C), the Oromia Health Bureau has been implementing health-related policies, strategies, reforms, and programs developed at various times internationally and nationally. In particular, by implementing the health extension package strategy, 80% of the health policy focused on disease prevention was achieved and the community was free from communicable and non-communicable diseases and maintained health created to achieve the strategic plan for the development and prosperity of the country and the region.
During the sector’s journey over the past thirty years (1985 - 2016 E.C), growth and transformation plans have been developed and implemented in phases every five years have been used. To ensure the health of the community in the region, health policies focusing on disease prevention and health promotion should be implemented by the sector they have been Implementing these policies for the benefit of our community at all levels.
In addition, work has been done to expand the construction of health facilities from time to time and fill the human resources requirements at all levels to provide clean, accessible, and equitable health services to the community and the region. In 2016 E.C, 121 hospitals, 6,747 health posts, 1,421 health Centers, 5 regional laboratories, 2 Rehabilitation centers, 2 NGO hospitals, 6 Health Science Colleges, and 14 Blood Banks centers are providing services.